Thursday, April 27, 2006

Where oh where has my little blog gone???

A brief hiatus on the blogging front as I took a couple of weeks of leave to enjoy the sun and sand of Koh Samui after a week of work in Thailand (great team there doing great things for the company!). So apologies to both readers for the weeks of absence but I can assure you that the infusion of sun, sand and Singha should ensure even more fruitful postings.....

The trip to Thailand was a great reminder of the way the internet is changing the world - sitting in an internet cafe about 50m from the beach in Koh Samui lodging my footytips over a 1Mb connection shows just how far this has come. The world is very small and your competitors are everywhere.... some of the lucky ones are sitting on sun-drenched beaches while competing in your market!

Back to work and things are busy.... got to get the nose to the grindstone ....

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