Tuesday, April 04, 2006

People are great .... they do great things.....

It is a few weeks since the last post, weeks which have been consumed by a whole pile of work on a number of fronts. Our company is very busy right now; we have a lot going on in terms of proposals, projects and the work of running a public company.

While I have had a bit to do myself, I have had a chance to witness pretty closely the great things a motivated and capable team of people can achieve. Over the last few weeks, I have seen our team produce some amazing things - from accountants working through the night to deal with the vagueries of new accounting standards through to some of clever creative, technical and consulting people producing some really world-class things. Our sales people have been producing winning pitches and proposals and our operations people have been working hard to keep the wheels turning and getting things done.

Sometimes it is important to lift our heads out of our own little burrows of focus and look around at the things going on around you..... you will quickly appreciate that people are great - they do GREAT things.....

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